Change Transformation Data

Accelerate your digital revolution and get your business departments to embrace data!

By placing data at the heart of their operations, companies are unleashing a veritable revolution through innovative digital projects. These initiatives involve the implementation of business tools impacting processes and requiring cross-functional alignment (ERP, HR tool, EPM, BI, data visualization, CRM, marketing automation, data and AI platform, etc.). Data and IT projects transcend all company departments.

Much more than a simple digital transformation, the company is undergoing a transversal and global metamorphosis, reshaping its operations, governance, culture and skills over the long term.

Current obstacles and our vision at CROSS :

Companies face obstacles such as siloed organizations, obsolete information systems and corporate cultures resistant to change. At CROSS, we believe that the success of a data and IT project lies in its ability to respond to concrete business needs. Our approach, based on Data Thinking, puts usage and users at the heart of the process.

  • Only 14% of IT projects are considered "successful."
  • 75% of change initiatives fail or are abandoned along the way (Source: Standish Group Chaos).

The handling of data and the integration of new IT tools generate major changes in working habits. Without appropriate support, these transformations can give rise to individual and collective resistance. To guarantee the success of a Data and IT project, we recommend a change management support plan for all phases of the project, placing the stakeholders at the heart of the process and making them active participants in the transformation.

Change management, using communication, marketing and data-thinking techniques, is an essential element in breaking down silos and creating synergy between IT and business users, thus accelerating the adoption of new technologies.

Pierre Olivier Spinelli Entity Manager Data

Data management involves various areas of the company. To adopt new working methods, acquire new skills, and even adopt a new mindset, it is essential to provide support and coaching to teams.

— Pierre Olivier Spinelli
Entity Manager Data
Data cloud and digital transformation consulting firm - Micropole